Royal Icing Instructions

Okay, so you bought our Royal Icing or Meringue Powder Mix.  Here are some instructions as well as some tips for you as you're going.  For a quick video reference, you'll find one on my instagram page until I can figure out how to post it here ;) 


Of course, this depends on what you've purchased from us so here is your guide. If you purchased a Kit House, it comes with the required ingredients.  If you purchased the Meringue Powder packs, you will require;

1L = 3/4C warm water, 1kg powdered sugar, 2TBSP corn syrup (optional)

500g = 6TBSP warm water, 500g powdered sugar, 1TBSP corn syrup (optional)

250g = 3TBSP warm water, 250g powdered sugar, 1 1/2 tsp corn syrup (optional)


  • Ideally using a stand mixer - or very strong arms, using a whisk, add warm water & meringue powder and whisk until nice and frothy - depending on batch size and the mixer, this could be 3-5minutes 
  • Change to a paddle attachment and add (sifted is ideal but optional) powdered sugar all at once, along with your corn syrup if using
  • Beat with paddle attachment until nice and light and fluffy, again, depending on batch size this can take a few minutes so go do some dishes or wipe up the counter. 
    • If you're making a large batch, be cautious when starting the mixer, you'll want to pulse it until the sugar is 'mixed in' so you don't end up in a sweet white cloud. 
    • Once the sugar is largely incorporated, you'll bring your speed up to medium / medium high
  • OPTIONAL; some people choose to add flavouring, but beware flavours that may impart colour (like vanilla). Popular options tend to be peppermint, lemon or almond. Use sparingly, it doesn't take much and try to avoid liquid flavours or watered down extracts. 

Tips & Trouble Shooting

  • Mix the icing thoroughly & properly before adjusting consistency
  • Keep a damp cloth over your bowl of icing while you work
  • Add colour?
    • Add colour BEFORE adjusting to desired consistency
    • Use gel colours, avoid liquid colours if possible
    • If you must use a gel colour, you may need to compensate with some added icing sugar
    • Add a tiny amount to a small portion of your icing, add more as needed - you can always add more, but you can't remove it once it's in there
  • It's lost it's nice smooth texture / has been sitting too long? Use a spatula and your strong forearms to remix it (or if it's a large enough about, toss it in the mixer with the paddle attachment) until you get that nice smooth fluffy texture again. 
  • Too Runny?  Add more powdered sugar, a teaspoon at a time using a spatula or paddle to mix it in before adding more.
  • Too Firm? While mixing with a paddle attachment, add water a drop at a time and mix in before adding more. 
  • Storage. Have extra? Royal Icing made with meringue powder can freeze well. You'll just have to remix it before using it again. 


Hope this helps.  Happy decorating!!




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